Bird / Ciconia ciconia
White Stork
Publications that mention White Stork in relation to Kutch
- No papers listed that specifically mention Ciconia ciconia
Related papers
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- Waterbirds Observed in Great Rann of Kachchh (GRK)RP Thakker, H Solanki, P Thakker - Founder Editor: Dr. Ketan Tatu, 2013 - researchgate.net
- Status of the Greater Adjutant (Leptoptilos dubius) in the Indian subcontinentAR Rahmani, G Narayan, L Rosalind - Colonial Waterbirds, 1990 - JSTOR
- Coastal Wetlands—Major Ecological Entities for Wading and Shore BirdsSA Hussain - The Ecology and Management of Wetlands, 1988 - Springer
- Waterbirds from the mudflats of Thane Creek, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India: a review of distribution records from IndiaOD Adhikari - Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2019 - threatenedtaxa.org
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- Nesting EcologyAJ Urfi - The Painted Stork, 2011 - Springer
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- Founder Editor: Dr. Ketan Tatu Principal Technical AdvisorP No - researchgate.net
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